How to Relieve Menopause Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Menopause Through Biofeedback

Menopause is an unavoidable experience for every woman who lives to reach their fifth decade or beyond. Menopause is the phase of a woman's life when her ability to reproduce ceases because she no longer has viable eggs. Some women fly through menopause without incident and only notice the cessation of monthly menstrual cycles to herald the rite of passage. For others, menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, palpitations) can be debilitating and bring your daily routine to an abrupt halt. Biofeedback has been successful in helping to relieve many of these menopausal symptoms. Biofeedback is a therapeutic treatment which gives the patient a way to control certain involuntary bodily functions (heart rate, temperature, brain waves, elimination) by teaching them to react to information about their own vital signs fed to them by whatever Biofeedback machine is involved in their treatment regime. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Comnputer with Internet access

Relieve Menopause Through Biofeedback


Confirm your diagnosis of menopause with your medical doctor. This can be done with a simple blood test. The levels of certain hormones (LSH, FSH) in your blood stream will verify whether you are menopausal or perimenopausal (about to enter menopause within a few years)


Find a good biofeedback therapist in your region. To ensure that your therapist is certified in the techniques your condition will require, verify their credentials at the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" Web site (see Resources below).


Discuss your symptoms with your therapist. Since menopausal symptoms can vary greatly from patient to patient, treatment plans will also vary. If you have hot flashes, you will learn techniques to regulate body temperature. If you have night sweats, you will need a treatment plan that includes regulation of skin temperature. Mood swings require still another protocol for learning relaxation techniques and other ways of destressing your life.

Tips & Warnings

Menopause can strike as early as the late 20's. Be aware of your own body and verify any unusual symptoms or loss of menses with your medical doctor.

The costs of these treatments are inexpensive to moderate per office visits. Prolonged treatment plans can become more cost effective if the patient learns to continue treatments at home and purchases a portable biofeedback machine designed for their specific therapy.

Menopausal women are at a greater risk for a variety of ailments, including heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis. Make sure to keep up with your regular schedule of medical check ups and tests (mammograms, bloodwork and colonoscopy screenings).