How to Relieve Depression Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Depression Through Biofeedback

Depression is no longer a closet ailment. Today, the medical and mental health community have formed a consensus that depression is much more than a state of mind. Depression is a mental illness with a biological basis. No one knows exactly what causes depression. In some, it's a genetic trait passed down through multiple generations. In others, it may be caused by a single emotional and/or physical trauma or a series of events that lead to a feeling of overwhelming despair. In all cases, depression is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Many patients have turned to alternative methods of treatment for their depression. Biofeedback therapy allows the patient to exert control over involuntary muscle and brain wave activities by training the body to react to its own signals. This treatment has been shown to relieve symptoms among many sufferers of depression. The cost of treatment will range from moderate to expensive, depending on the severity of the depression and the length of time needed for therapy. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Certified biofeedback therapist

Computer with Internet access to learn more about depression and ways to relieve the condition through biofeedback therapy

Confirmed diagnosis of depression

Relieve Depression Through Biofeedback


Have your diagnosis of depression confirmed by your doctor or psychiatrist. Discuss events or lifestyle changes that may have triggered the onset of your condition.


Find a certified Biofeedback therapist. Ask your doctor for a referral. Visit the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" (BCIA) Web site for a list of certified Biofeedback therapists who specifically work on treatments geared to relieve depression through Biofeedback (see Resources below).


Work with your therapist to develop a two-fold treatment plan. First, you will work with your therapist at his or her office. Then, you should be able to continue the techniques and keep your depression in check through Biofeedback at home.

Tips & Warnings

Be comfortable with your therapist. Learning the technique will be much easier and your treatment will be much more effective if you have faith in and trust the abilities of your therapist. If you don't have that kind of relationship with your Biofeedback therapist, find a new one.

Don't overlook signs that your depression has gotten worse. Any thoughts of suicide or harming yourself (or others) needs to be reported to your medical doctor or psychiatrist at once. In extreme cases, go to the emergency room right away.