How to Relieve Cramps With Chinese Medicine

How to Relieve Cramps With Chinese Medicine

Westerners are used to prescribing medication for conditions such as menstrual cramps, while people living in China turn towards acupuncture and other traditional medicines and treatments for the relief. Chinese medicine is a major health care treatment system used to provide relief from numerous conditions, including menstrual cramps or other cramping. Find the help you need with these tips for using Chinese medicine.


Look up and learn how to do Qigong exercises. These famous Chinese exercises along with the aid of cramp relief Chinese medicine can provide excellent results for cramp sufferers. Qigong exercises can be done by anyone of any age and are becoming popular like yoga.


Go to your local bookstore or library and find some reference books on Chinese medicine. These books should be able to give you a medicine for the relief of cramps and possibly menstrual cramps.


Make sure you realize that most Chinese medicines do not work overnight and it will require some patience on your behalf. The results can be much more beneficial than over the counter medications and prescriptions. Give it a chance to work into your system.


Ask around and look in your local business directory for Chinese herbal or medicine shops. You will find the best information by going straight to the source and asking about your condition. They will be able to give you something to try for your cramps or menstrual cramps.


Schedule an appointment to see a Chinese doctor. They will be able to talk about different herbal treatments for your cramping and identify what you are experiencing.