How to Relieve Anxiety Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Anxiety Through Biofeedback

Everyone gets anxious at one time or another. Life experiences can cause a normal level of anxiety. When those feelings of overwhelming helplessness and fear grow out of proportion with the situation or last too long, you may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety attacks are very real to the person having one and can paralyze someone from doing even the simplest of daily tasks. One way patients of anxiety disorders have been able to relieve symptoms is through biofeedback therapy. Biofeedback operates on the theory that behaviors or involuntary responses can be controlled when patients are conditioned to respond to physical changes in their own bodies. Biofeedback is often used to relieve chronic pain, headaches, depression and attention disorders. The cost of treatments will range from inexpensive (for mild cases with short-term treatment plans) to moderately expensive (for cases that can be treated at a therapist's facility first and then continued at home with biofeedback machines purchased for home and/or office use. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Relieve Anxiety Through Biofeedback


Confirm your diagnosis of anxiety with your medical doctor or mental health practitioner.


Find a certified biofeedback therapist near you by visiting the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" (BCIA) Web site (see Resources below).


Determine how long your therapist thinks you'll need to continue treatment. Ask if you might benefit from continuing to pursue relief from your anxiety symptoms through biofeedback at home.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure you adhere to the recommended home regime to complement your therapy sessions. Anxious situations will not go away as long as you continue to function in the real world, so learning to deal with the unexpected will be key to successfully overcoming anxiety disorders. Seek out additional methods for relaxation such as listening to soothing music, meditation or any activity that helps you stay calm.

Don't ignore any signs that your anxiety or anything else about your overall health has gotten worse. Biofeedback therapy is not a substitute for medical care. If you experience shortness of breath, severe vomiting, difficulty breathing, chest pains or high fever, don't delay in getting yourself to the nearest emergency room.